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USDOT announces ALDOT to receive $550 million for Mobile River Bridge and Bayway project

United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration logo
Jul 17

Today, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg formally announced that the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) was awarded $550 million for the I-10 Mobile River Bridge and Bayway project. The new bridge and bayway will support local businesses and the national economy through a more efficient movement of goods along Interstate 10, a critical corridor for the country.

The funding award is part of more than $5 billion in Large Bridge Project awards through the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) competitive Bridge Investment Program. These grants will fund the reconstruction, repair and restoration of 13 nationally significant bridges in 16 states that connect communities to jobs and resources, support the economy and serve as critical corridors for freight travel. These projects will also address important safety issues and make the bridges more resilient to extreme weather, all while creating good-paying jobs.

The Large Bridge Project Grants under the Bridge Investment Program are available for bridges with total eligible project costs over $100 million, with minimum grant awards of $50 million and a maximum award of 50 percent of the total eligible project costs. Priority consideration is given to projects ready to proceed to construction.

The $550 million awarded to ALDOT is believed to be the largest federal grant ever awarded for an Alabama project. With the announcement of all projects during this round of funding awards, ALDOT’s $550 million grant is now the fourth largest award under the Bridge Investment Program since its creation in 2021.

The full press release from USDOT can be found here.