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Drive Safe Alabama promotes highway safety

graphic saying "safe roads start with safe drivers" and a picture of a road with tire tracks swerving on it and the Drive Safe Alabama Logo
Aug 12

Improving highway safety in Alabama continues to be a pressing need. In 2022, there were 986 lives lost on Alabama roads. More than 37,000 injuries, some life-changing, happened in vehicle crashes during 2022.

The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is bringing awareness to this deadly issue through its highway safety campaign called Drive Safe Alabama. By providing safe driving information through online resources and educational opportunities, ALDOT aims to reduce crash-related injuries and fatalities on Alabama’s roadways.

Educating the public on how to stay safe on the road is an important step toward strengthening Alabama’s highway safety culture. Safe roads start with safe drivers.

Drive Safe Alabama places special emphasis on the four main causes of crash-related injuries and fatalities in Alabama – failure to wear seat belts, speeding, distracted driving and driving impaired. Crash data collected each year by law enforcement shows that these continue to be areas of concern.

“Almost 60 percent of those involved in fatal crashes are not wearing a seat belt,” said Allison Green, Drive Safe Alabama coordinator with ALDOT. “Many of those crashes would have been survivable if the person had been wearing a seat belt.”

Other safety concerns addressed by the campaign include bicycle and pedestrian, railroad crossing, work zone and motorcycle safety. In 2022, there were 14 bicyclists that died on Alabama roads and 112 pedestrian fatalities.

As Alabama strengthens its laws to help improve highway safety, Drive Safe Alabama uses a variety of outreach methods to inform the public. Billboards, social media, TV, radio and online advertising, news stories, partnerships and teen safe driving events are all part of the campaign.

Information about Drive Safe Alabama and tips for how to stay safe on the road can be found at or on the Drive Safe Alabama Facebook or Instagram pages.